About Us

Bonjou! I’m Mia-Briyahna!
     Thanks so much for stopping by the workshop! It really means a lot!  A few years ago while working in a dress shop, I came across an Instagram page where a lady was selling her own handmade dresses.  Everything she made was so unique and beautiful, and I was drawn in.  My desire to start my own shop of handmade products grew stronger until one day there we were, buying a license and registering Mia’s Workshop!  Finally the starter sewing machine mom had bought me when I was thirteen was getting more use. Mom was the best teacher as I struggled through picking out incorrect stitches.  She had had a small girl’s dress business when I was young, and she is indeed a truly talented seamstress!  One of a kind skirts are my favorite things to sew, though purses and pouches are working their way into the shop as well.  But sewing was not my only love…
     Art has always held my heart, and one day my Aunt Tina suggested I begin painting on men’s neck ties.  She bought me a plain blue tie to try, and we got some fabric paint.  I had no idea how popular those hand painted neckties would become!  So, I expanded to painting blue jean jackets, and pencil cases.  Later I was introduced to digital art, and I have become constantly excited by the possibilities this medium gives you.  Meanwhile my ever beloved camera has enjoyed capturing special moments in people’s lives, or even every day wonders we each walk by, and the love of photography I’d had as a child only swelled with each “swish” of the shutter.
     Long story short, (or at least slightly less long; frankly I’m honored you’ve read on this long) this website is a conglomeration of the different arts we love to create and share with others.  I hope you enjoy our fun sense of style. It’s a little Holly Hobby, a little avant garde , but most of all, it’s all heart.   I mentioned my mom and Aunt Tina; why don’t you meet them below?


Hi I’m Lorie!
When I was about 5 years old, my mom would sit me on the couch with her Alden’s and Speigel catalogs. I could be happy for hours just dreaming of designing clothes like the ones on those pages…and yes, I was only 5! Mom, ever supportive, sent my childish pencil stylings to Mattel, who thanked me and encouraged my continued perseverance in fashion design and drawing, as I definitely needed to age some!
I’ll skip ahead a few years and let you know that by 14 years of age I was 6’ tall and not yet 120lbs. So modeling in my local town and surrounding area, was one way I could get some fashion designing in, but, I’m not comfortable out in front. I like being creative behind the scenes.
For time’s sake I’m going to skip way ahead…marriage, a son, 14 more years and finally…A DAUGHTER! This is the Mia side of “Us” and she is the light of my life! While she was little, I loved making her girly ruffles, embroideries, pinafores with bows and cute buttons, etc. And, over the years, as other folks’ little girls have come along, I’ve loved sewing for them too!


Hi I’m Tina
Hello, I’m the Auntie of this site!  I do a little of this and a little of that! Sometimes, I will share some ‘greeting cards’ with you. Sometimes, I will share hand ‘crocheted’ items with you. Sometimes, I will share a swish of my ‘paint’ brush with you. Sometimes, I may share something I’ve ‘cut out’ and made a scene with you. I may even share something I’ve ‘sewn’ with you. Whatever it is Auntie has made it with love, and I hope you will enjoy it! So, keep your eyes posted cause (I’m like a box of chocolates) you never know….what I’ll share with you. Thank you for your patronage! Aunt T